Course Stations

Comfort Stations, Aid Stations and Course Fluids

Comfort Stations

Portable toilets will be located at the start lines and at every Fluid Station.    Please respect the property owners along the course and use the portable toilets we have provided. Thank you!

Aid Stations

There will be aid stations along the course at

  • Mile 7.8
  • Mile 13.3 (just after the start line for the half marathon)
  • Mile 18.5
  • Mile 21.5
  • Mile 23

Bikers will support the course. We will have almost 25 bikers wearing green "Bike Support" vests on the course. They will help direct runners/walkers as some faster full marathoners come upon the half marathoners. They can also assist you if you need help.

The replenishment drink on the Wineglass course (marathon and half marathon) will be Raspberry Lemonade Huma Hydration Electrolytes. This will be made up at each station from a powdered mix. Huma Hydration (Raspberry Lemonade) will be available starting with the 2-mile water station. Huma Hydration will be offered first (initial tables), with water offered last (later tables) at each station.

The current plan is to have marathon water stations located at the following approximate mile locations:

  • Mile 2.4 
  • Mile 4
  • Mile 7.8
  • Mile 10
  • Mile 12
  • Mile 13.3
  • Mile 16
  • Mile 18.5
  • Mile 20.5
  • Mile 21.5
  • Mile 23
  • Mile 24
  • Mile 25
  • Mile 25.5


Gel stations will be set up at 7.8, 13.3, 18.5 and 24 mile water stations.  HUMA Chi Gels, in a varity of flavors will be offered this year.