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A great opportunity to be part of Wineglass Weekend is by advertising in the Official Guthrie Wineglass Marathon Runner’s Program. The program reaches nearly 5,000 runners coming to participate in the 5K, full and, half marathon. Our community has earned the reputation of being one of the runner’s favorite places to enjoy their Wineglass Weekend experience.
- Wineglass participants are affluent, educated, and active
- 85% of our runners are here for a weekend getaway with family and friends
- 52% of our runners are spending two or more nights in the area
- 86% of our runners are 30-64 years of age
- Core runner demographics show 76% have a college degree and 73% report household income >$75,000 (vs. U.S. median of 30% and $52,000)
- The Wineglass hosts a field that is 70% female.
- Studies show that women make 85% of all brand purchases
- Last year, the Wineglass had runners from 48 states and 17 countries
- With nearly 5,000 runners and 2,500 volunteers, the Wineglass Race Series continues to grow in popularity